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About GroW Families

GroW is a charitable community group set up in response to the closure of the local Childrens Centre in 2017 and supported by Wantage Town Council and Grove Parish Council.


Our Stay and Play and Baby groups offer a warm welcome, a listening ear, signposting to other services and the opportunity for parents and carers to meet other families.


Through play, stories, singing and group activities, we provide opportunities for children's development, particularly in the areas of communication and language, and social and emotional development, during these really important first years in a child's life.


With over 120 families attending our groups every week, we provide an essential and unique service to our community.


We also offer Family Links parenting courses, family first aid courses and visits from Health Teams such as Community Dental Services and the Active Communities team.


Follow our Facebook page for more news and updates..


Volunteering for GroW 

We are looking for local volunteers to help with a variety of roles, ranging from making drinks and snacks for families at our groups through to roles on our management committee. If you would like to get involved to support our community, either on an occasional or regular basis, please get in touch via the contact us form.


Supporting GroW

We rely on grants, donations and fundraising to run our service.  We are very grateful to our local councils for providing so much support, however we are always looking for additional funds to run community projects. Take a look at the Support Us page to find out how you can make a difference.



GroW operates under the umberella of Grove Parish Church which is part of the Church of England and registered charity #1129066. Address: GroW Office, St Johns Rooms, Main Street, Grove, OX12 7LQ

© 2023 by GroW.

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